
Links to resources


This section is about useful R and Python scripts for Data analysis,Machine learning and web scraping.

1) New York Times web scraper.R script for web scraping NYT API, input custom Search Term like “Immigration”, Start Date and run script to save articles data into CSV file.

2) Data Viewer Simple data viewing application using R, Shiny.Useful for reading text files with large content and input your text file in CSV format.

3) R_basics.R template script for Regular Expressions, dplyr and functional programming in R.

4) Python-programming repo : Repository for python programming includes data structures,algorithms implementations.

5) Caret_models.R template for several machine learning models such as Elasticnet, GBM ,SVM with cross validation using R “caret” package.

6) h2o_ensemble.R script for faster ensemble learning using several h2o models such as GLM.RF,GBM for binary classification.

7) similarity measure algorithm for finding and ranking similar authors based on DBLP publications uni-directional graph structures such as Author-Venue-Paper.

8) ML Algorithm Implementations:
Decision Tree, Random Forest in python
Apriori for Frequent Patterns in python
K Nearest Neighbors in python
Naive Bayes in R
Discriminant Analysis in R ​