Automated Gene Report Generation


Key words: Python,SQL,APIs,web scraping,Selenium,pptx ​​
This Project is about a tool called flash_ppt developed at Mayo clinic.Flash ppt is a software/tool written in python ,to automate the pptx genetic report generation process in data pipelines.

Back ground:
Genetic report contains information about gene variants from a subject/patient and it is used by Genetic counselors to analyse disease and provide counseling to patients. Genetic information comes from several sources such as multiple catalog files(from clinical labs across the world) and websites such as OMIM,NCBI,HGMD etc.,
At Mayo Genetic counselors prepares these reports manually typically it takes 3 hours to put together a single report .As report preparation is cumbersome so the whole process is automated in order to reduce the human effort.With automation a single report can be generated in less than a minute.
Links : Git Repo